Friday, July 06, 2012

Birthday Cake

On July 2nd, we had a collective Birthday Celebration
Miska-Mom, Uncle Vadasz and Auntie Ruby turned 9 on June 26th
Uncle Tyro turned 6 on June 17th
Half-brother Quest and Half-sister Diva turned 4 on June 16th
and I, of course, turned 1 on May 31st

After our romp in the woods, Grandma Sylvia treated us to
a homemade Birthday Cake complete with yogurt icing and a hot dog smiley-face!

Miska-Mom vigilantly watches over the cake
The cake has moved location
Uncle Vadasz has joined Miska-Mom's watch
while the rest of us smile for the cameras
(well-mannered, collective self-control
even though we outnumber the humans 2:1)
The cake is back on the table
flanked by ever-watchful Miska-Mom & Uncle Vadasz
Smells good
Good texture
Mmmmm, light & airy
Good to the last crumb!
Big Birthday Cake Smiles!!!
"Say:  Leftovers!!"


  1. Hungarian Birthday cake pointers!

  2. Hope you liked the cake Bodi!! I'm sure we'll be doing more celebrating this year for other milestones in our life. xxx Mama Miska & breeder-mom

    1. Yes, it was delicious! As was the second-helping!

  3. Looks like a wonderful day and a very, yummy birthday cake.
