Friday, August 30, 2013

Sunbathing Beauty

Blue Jay fledgeling soaking up the sun in 40 degree humidity!

Monday, August 26, 2013


Grand Champion
August 25, 2013

 Markham Kennel Club
 Claremont, ON

Judge: Mr. Alan Ewles

Best of Breed 
with Judge: Mr. Alan Ewles and Jr Handler: Kelly Hatt

A great big thank you to Kelly for her beautiful handling skills, for having a great time with me in the ring and for being a part of this wonderful milestone.

My CKC name is now:

GCH Varazs Mokany Kiralyi Orban FDJ, RN, CGN

By some stroke of Vizsla magic, the photographer at the shows where I completed my CKC CH, my UKC CH and my CKC GCH was Garth Gourlay (a Vizsla breeder). Of all the shows in which I was entered, it appears that Garth was the photographer only at the shows in which I finished my Championships!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Boy, did I take a wrong turn!

Cardinalis cardinalis fledgeling
You're not my Mama!
Here I come!!!!!

Perhaps, this is Mama...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday's World Champion

mmmmm...blueberry smiley-face oatmeal
yum yum in my tum!!
If only we could cook it without making a huge
mess (simmering on "1" with induction cooktop)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Someone needs to learn the fine art of camouflage

Although there were 5 sparrows sitting on a wire watching over it, this is a cardinal fledgeling. Had the video continued to roll, you would have seen a beautiful bright red male fly over from the other side of the yard, swoop down toward this little guy and provide overhead cover as they both flew up and into the much denser tree behind this dappled willow.

(By the way, the strings and things you see on the deck glass are to help prevent fledgelings from flying into the glass.)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Two Blue Jays Walk into a Yard...

 It's times like this that the camera hound wishes she had a better camera
and the skill set to use it !!!!!

I have my eye on you, camera hound!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013

Berry Interesting

How did that blackberry get there?
Hmmm, I wonder who it belongs to...
"Their movements on the wing are exceedingly graceful. As they pass from one tree to another, their expanded wings and tail--so beautiful in tint and form--never fail to delight the observer."
                                                                   ~ John James Audubon

Cyanocitta cristata bromia

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Miska was here

Miska was here
and here
and here
and here

Miska:  "If it's not bolted to the floor, it's fair game!"

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Wednesday's Wacky Weather

One day, under a sky of sun and clouds, we were all playing in the yard when there was a sudden and unexpected flash of lightning and loud thunder claps. Since it is not safe to be outside when there is lightning, especially when the lightning and thunder occur close together, we headed for cover. As we were all running toward the house, we were pelted by hail (if the pellets bounce, it's hail) and heavy rain.
It was dry at the bottom of the stairs!
Diva checking out the action.

Thankfully, the downpour lasted only a few minutes. Since it is recommended that you stay indoors for at least a half hour after the last flash of lightning, we all napped before resuming our fun in the sun.
Last summer: drought
This summer: wacky rain and humidity

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Roman Numerals

Those Weimies have nothing on us!
We had 0 Muppets and only 1 Human to assist us!

We would need more Vs to count higher than 6 so
Happy August 6th