Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fun with Diva & Tyro

I enjoy giving Diva lots of hugs and kisses

Uncle Tyro playing toll master (he's been living in the States too long)

"But they're MY chew toys!"

Stretching out with the Big Guy

More hugs and kisses

My half-sister Diva (CKC, Int'l, UKC CH Varazs Kedves Quickstep FDJ, JH) and our uncle Tyro (CH Varazs Napkelte Tyrone CD, Am/Can RA, Am RE, CGN) have been visiting since Saturday.  We are having lots of fun.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28, 2011

Woof woof arf arf grrrr (attempting to figure out the site).