Thursday, March 22, 2012

Road Trip

Went on my first road trip this past weekend. It was my first long car ride (4 hours one way) and first stay in a hotel. We visited with friends and entered a conformation show. My weekend started on Thursday with a rigorous swim.

Sometimes I create big splashes
Sometimes I glide through the water creating barely a ripple
That was a great workout
Seeing crocuses for the very first time
Relaxing during set up at the show
Checking myself out in the hotel room mirror
Playing with a new tug toy
Stretching my legs after 3 hours in the car
Unexpectedly warm at 22c
So happy the predicted thunderstorm blew away

My assessment of the weekend:
Highways are long & boring and hotels are large & noisy
but, all in all, road trips are FUN!

*Technical difficulties have delayed upload of a photo and video from the show ring (camera has been dropped one too many times!)

1 comment:

  1. Mama Miska heard you were a very good boy on the road trip & also that you may also make a very good hunter! That's my boy Bodi!
