September 2, 2012
Grand Valley Chapter
North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association
Natural Ability Test
Score 112/112
Prize I
with our 3 esteemed judges:
Dave Arnold, John Macneal (acting senior) and Don Vanderlip |
The Journey
March 21 - August 26
58 hours (@ 4,000 km) of driving
2 awesome field trainers on 2 parcels of land (variety is the spice of training)
13 sessions encompassing 17 hours of field work
Less than 1 hour to impress 3 judges!
A great big thank you to Janice Wolff, Terri Simmons-Corneil and all the other volunteers from the NAVHDA Grand Valley Chapter for a well-organized test and to the judges who worked all day from 7:30 am in blazing sun (not a cloud in the sky), testing 10 teams in as timely a fashion as possible (taking all of a 15-minute lunch break), and for making the "newbies" feel like seasoned pros. Thanks to Liz Outram for keeping Bodi's safety the number one priority while providing awesome training in the unbearable heat and humidity of every one of our summer sessions and for giving me the confidence to handle Bodi myself. And, again, thanks to Mike Wilshire for fitting us into his hectic spring schedule (so we could take full advantage of the unseasonably mild spring), providing the foundation of Bodi's field career and getting us started on our field training journey.
Handling at a field test for the very first time provided plenty of mental and physical challenges for the camera hound so the camera was left in the car!
A few shots from last weekend's training sessions with Liz
"Kisses...thanks for playing hide and seek with me...
see you next time, Mr. Pheasant" |
Ranger helping me to learn to hunt with a bracemate |
"Once in a Blue Moon"
Here's what Friday's "blue moon" looked like at
5:00 am Sunday morning | |